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❶What is the cause of beating and killing humans in Shia Muslims?

Mystical speech

What Killing Humans In Shia
What is the cause of beating and killing humans in Shia Muslims?

Why are Shia Muslims murdering? What is the cause of beating and killing humans in Shia religion

Today, there are so many who, in many international sites, call Muslim religions "very bad" and "evil" religions. This is while none of their speeches is correct. With the research I have done, I have noticed that two Shiite and Sunni religions are two distinct religions among all religions. Prove all my speeches with rational and logical reasons, so wait and read this thing up to the end.

Why Iranian Muslims Islamic antichrist

As a researcher and one who has researched religions for 7 years, I say that Islam and The Shiite religion is the best religion among the religions of the world because it adheres to the principles of a pure life and even condemns the punishment of human murder as the most severe punishment, namely, the murder of a murderer. One question arises because of the fact that the whole world is writing against the Shi'ite and defames this pure religion.

Some people in the world are the interests of powerful people in destroying Islam. => Richard Nixon, President of the United States, writes in the book "Without a War": "Islam is Khomeini and Iran's fundamentalism and its Islamic nature is more dangerous than the threat of Soviet communism." He says that Islam is very dangerous for the American government. This is one of the fears of powerful people from the pure religion of Islam.

Powerful Americans do anything to spoil the face of Islam

Everyone knows that ISIS (one day's creation) And for many reasons, I say that ISIS was created by the United States and Saudi Arabia itself, and for the dismemberment of Iraq and the naming of the image of Islam. You can find more about authoritative sites Read how to create ISIS .

This article is for defense. It's not about Islam, it's just a word to say. I do not want to make the face of Islam a good thing, but I say the right words that I've been researching for seven years.

You may see people in Lebanon and Palestine with rockets Strong attacks on Israel. You will surely think about how savage these Palestinian people are, but really, these Palestinian people do the right thing. Because Israel has seized their land and that's why the Palestinians want to regain their land. Israeli occupiers come with guns and advanced military weapons inside Palestinian homes and force them out of their own homes and fields. What if you go to your house and get you out of your house? So you should not listen to Israel because they are definitely lying.

We have spoken one of the most important debates about Islam, so that we may expel people from a big mistake. Surely Islam is the most pure religion among the religions of the world. So, with a general look, let's look at this and do not try to believe the media lies.

Why Iranian Muslims Islamic antichrist

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