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❶Why do Muslims kill innocent people? Islamic antichrist Why do Shia Muslims kill

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Why do Muslims kill innocent people
Why do Muslims kill innocent people

Why do Muslims kill innocent people

The main reason that Muslims bring innocent people is that some people want some people to think that way and the main reason is the power of the international community! Muslims in no way agree to the death of humans. Islam always wants peace in the world

Non-Muslim countries and people who live in powerful countries of the world, on websites and in most of their books, Muslims are illiterate, uncivilized, Violent, warrior, offended and often najis. But the reality is that Muslims are very dedicated, sane and kind

Why Iranian Muslims Islamic antichrist

What is the main cause of these wrong words

The powerful countries of the world do not want to become Muslim people, so they formed groups to not condone the Muslim minds of this honorable religion from the point of view of the world

I am a researcher, and with many documents and researches I found out that ISIS was formed by Saudi Arabia and ordered by the US to create these thoughts in the minds of the people of the world. All Muslims are destroying innocent people

Islam always invites people to protect the rights of the people and practice what ISIS and Saudi Arabia do not do So we can not say Saudi Arabia as an Islamic country because it always fights in the Middle East and does not act against the rights of the people

Why do you have a fairly bad view for Muslims when Muslims have the best life and the most just situation in The world is better. It's better for you to research why people want to put their opinions on you. Is not it really that these people are badly disappointed with Islam and they want no one to be Muslim? "For this reason, it is important that no powerful person wants to be a Muslim, because he is very afraid of the way Muslims are thinking and trying hard. They try to make the whole of Islam ugly, and they have a lot to do in this work - they are trying in the freemasonous logos to think together how they can destroy Islam. To do this, they have tried to form a war between Muslim countries and destroy these Muslim countries from famine and disease, so that whenever people hear the name of Islam, they immediately face famine and disease, and Maggie escapes from Islam

Islam is the purest religion in the world, and all this is full of joy and kindness. If a government attacks a country, they will certainly end up with the spread of disease and this is what the Jewish people are looking for

So be kind to Islam and Muslims

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